Falling over on camera - The "Clumsy Traveller's" LA Travelshoot

We couldn't wait to have Sebrin, AKA The Clumsy Traveller, take part in one of our Los Angeles Travelshoots. Although our fingers were crossed she didn't break the photographer's camera when looking at the images with her. Thank god no cameras were harmed, but we did catch her falling over on camera! 

Luckily she let us ask her a few questions about her experience and amazing travel plans. 

What’s your dream travel destination? 

I really want to visit Myanmar (Burma). As this country was isolated from the world for over half of a century, I'm curious to see this culturally remote destination. 

Name your must-have travel accessory. 

Definitely my iPhone (camera, directions, travel apps). But as far as obscure and maybe offbeat, I would say a multi-functional scarf. I used it as a skirt, sarong, hijab, towel and scarf on my travels and I would say I used it every day. 

What’s your favourite city in the world? 

That's tough. I would say London or Sydney. Both make me feel like I'm home while being miles away.

What’s your favourite leisure activity whilst your travelling? It could be something mellow like lying on the beach, or something more active like rock climbing. 

My favorite leisure activity is walking through a town or city without a plan. Seems easy enough, but I feel like that's when the best stories are created! 

What’s your favourite travel app? 

Hotel Tonight. It's so handy for last minute travel and if you share it often enough, you can get tons of deals and coupons. 

What did you enjoy most about your Travelshoot? 

I honestly enjoyed my photographer. I'm always so nervous and awkward during photo shoots and Robyn made me genuinely laugh, not fake pose laugh. We got to know each other and had such a blast, which made it seem more like an adventure than a photo shoot. 

Which is your favourite Travelshoot image? 

I feel like this one encompasses everything about me. Champagne, spilling it everywhere, halfway dressed up and located somewhere beautiful or iconic.

Why do you think travellers will love Travelshoot? 

I think travelers will love Travelshoot because it really brings a glamorous and exciting vibe to a vacation. You're not only taking pictures with a local but getting to know the city on such a different level. Plus being dressed up with a photographer in tow makes it seem that much more fabulous. 

See more of Sebrin's Travelshoot on our Los Angeles page here