A picture perfect Tuscan villa and a baby...

Matt is not only an experienced traveller, but a leading Australian travel consultant and devoted dad. After having his first Travelshoot experience years ago in Cairns to celebrate their first pregnancy, he used their first time to Tuscany to celebrate the perfect family getaway, so we caught up with him to learn more...

Where in the world did you do your Travelshoots and why?

We have now done two Travelshoots. One in Cairns for our babymoon and the other in Tuscany with our daughter, Isla. All my life I've wanted to go to Tuscany and never got there when I lived overseas, so when my wife and I decided to take our daughter to the UK to see family we took the opportunity to book a side trip and stayed 10 nights in a Tuscan Villa.

Who’s in the shots?

Myself, my wife Brianna and our daughter Isla 

How did you find the experience?

As we had done a Travelshoot previously we knew what we were in for with all the process however as this time we had asked for something extra to get our own location choice I was nervous before booking.  Once I had set up on the website and got in contact with our photographer, she was so accommodating and being a local to the area jumped at the chance to shoot at the Villa. She listened to our ideas and added her own input.  Having an 11 month old obviously can make things a challenge but she was so patient and interacted so well with Isla that we ended up with such great photos of a happy baby!

Why are photos important to you?

After spending most of my 20's travelling in Europe before smartphones and social media I feel that even though I have a few pictures of those days I don't have half the gallery compared to what I have from the last 10 years since being in the travel industry. Feeling like I can't quite share a lot of those memories with my family now is kind of sad and I want Isla to grow up and be able to see the amazing experiences she has growing up even if she can't quite remember them.

Why do you think clients should consider a Travelshoot?

Why wouldn't you. everyone comes home with some sort of photos  from their holidays and whether it's a $2000 holiday to Port Douglas or a $20k holiday to some far flung destination, the value and quality from a Travelshoot in the years following the experience is priceless.

Which type of customer would benefit from a Travelshoot?

Anyone. You don't have to have a type to have someone capture your own memories of your holiday, just make it your own. 

Next holiday is where?

In May/June this year I'm off on a bucket list trip with three mates for a 40th birthday. We're going to Vietnam to ride motorbikes in the far North Eastern corner of the country then after that popping over to the Isle of Man for a week for the TT races.

On the Family front, as we have another baby due in August, we have just booked for a Bali trip for 12 nights in May 2020 at the Hard Rock hotel for something easy, some relaxation for my wife and I'm sure another Travelshoot experience with two kids this time!